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關於upright go的評價, 你(妳)好,我是莎拉。

[為什麼是罷工而不是離職](個人拙見) 往年我出社會就業以後,每年母親節幾乎都是使用我的公司的職福委員會所發的餐券,到高檔牛排館去請全家飽餐一頓;今年由於我和我的母親關係不好,我沒請客...

No fancy moves just straight forward how I workout my arms at the gym. Special workout partner @_hollyowens I like to go to gym with a friend or two, cuz it keep me motivated. This is two simple arms workout movements 🔷Dumbbell Bicep Curl to Upright Row x50 🔷Dumbbell Two Arm Row to Tricep Extension x50 (We use 10lb weight each arm) Try to finish in 5mins (my arms are the weakest so I’m still trying to get better I didn’t finished in 5mins it was 7mins cuz I’ll have to take a 3-5secs break in between but 5mins is the goal. Sore for 2days 😅 沒有特別的招式,用最基本簡單的兩個動作,訓練手臂。不算組數。只要你試著在5分鐘以內完成這總共100下。我的手臂是最弱的我在7分鐘以內才完成,因為必須小小休息一下因為太酸了!不過五分鐘是我的目標! 找個朋友跟你一起去健身房做會更有動力完成目標!我們是用10磅的啞鈴(一隻手) #FitBySaria#Fitness#Gym#Workout#Simple#arms#guaranteedsore#friends

No fancy moves just straight forward how I workout...